Find the best Staunton Virginia Real Estate listings & homes for sale

The best properties in Augusta County, Staunton, Waynesboro and Fishersville, Virginia. Contact Premier Properties Today for your real estate needs in Staunton, VA.

We have an office conveniently located in Staunton.

939 North Augusta Street

As full service REALTORS

The sales staff of Premier Properties will utilize their expertise to guide you through the entire process of selling your property. We have extensive experience in handling all types of real estate transactions: residential, business and investment properties, farms and land. Our professional service will allow you to focus on your move and other aspects of your life while we manage the sale of your property.

Our services for sellers include, but are not limited to:

  • Evaluation and explanation of the marketability of your property in relation to the current real estate market and economic environment.
  • A current market analysis of your property to arrive at an appropriate asking price (market value).
  • Advice as to how to give your property the utomost market appeal (staging), including recommendations about interior and exterior changes (improvements) that may be made to enhance marketability.
  • A comprehensive marketing plan to give your property maximum exposure to potential purchasers. Included in the marketing plan would be use of the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), Internet advertising, print media advertising, REALTOR and public open houses, etc.
  • Scheduling showing appointments for REALTORS and members of the public.
  • Explanation of and assistance in evaluating any purchase offers.
  • Assistance in negotiating the sale price and other terms of any sale contract.
  • Assistance in dealing with the standard home inspection and any issues arising therein.
  • Guidance and assistance in completing all of the necessary and appropriate pre-closing requirements including deed preparation, pest inspection, water and septic inspections, survey, etc.
  • Review and explanation of the HUD closing statement, including explanation of the variour seller’s closing costs.
  • Accompanying you to the sale closing.
  • Assistance in dealing with any questions or problems that may arise throughout the selling process.

Please contact us for additional information and assistance. Our goal is to exceed your expectations!

Please allow us to serve you! Staunton Real Estate, Staunton Virginia