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The best properties in Augusta County, Staunton, Waynesboro and Fishersville, Virginia. Contact Premier Properties Today for your real estate needs in Staunton, VA.

We have an office conveniently located in Staunton.

939 North Augusta Street

The Central Shenandoah Valley Of Virginia Is A Great Place To Live And Work

We can help you find the best real estate in Staunton, Waynesboro, Augusta County and the surrounding area offer beautiful scenery, a diversified economy, good schools, a vibrant arts and cultural scene, and a variety of properties to meet the desires of virtually any buyer.

Whether you want a historic home near downtown

A comfortable suburban or country home, a low maintenance townhouse, a pastoral farm, a business or investment property, or a tract of land to build your “dream” home, our company’s agents know the area and will do their utmost to help you find the “right” property.

The REALTORS of Premier Properties

Are a strong team of professionals, willing to provide you with the expertise you need in the purchase of any type of real estate. We pride ourselves on building long term relationships and seek to exceed our clients’ expectations.

Please allow us to serve you! Staunton Real Estate, Staunton Virginia